Following last week's landfall of Hurricane Ike, thousands of Gulf Coast residents remain without shelter, and millions more are without...
Google Maps for mobile now with Street View and walking directions
Today we added new features to Google Maps for Mobile that will help you see a location, find out what people are saying about it, and lear...
Partnering with GE on clean energy
Today we announced that we're joining forces (PDF file) with GE to use technology, information and corporate resources to drive the ch...
What to do if you can't access your webmail
This post is the latest in an ongoing series on how to stay safe online. - Ed. We know how important webmail is to the people who use it r...
Let's hear it for Google scholarship winners
Across the world, the participation of women and minorities in computer science is at an all-time low. According to studies conducted by the...
Google Audio Indexing now on Google Labs
Nearly two months ago, we introduced the Google Elections Video Search gadget on iGoogle, a tool that transcribes and indexes the spoken c...
The future of online video
The Internet has had an enormous impact on people's lives around the world in the ten years since Google's founding. It has cha...