We've talked a lot about our mission to organize the world's information and make it readily available to all, but we haven't sp...
The next Internet
The Internet has had an enormous impact on people's lives around the world in the ten years since Google's founding. It has changed ...
Facts about our deal with Yahoo!
Some people have questions about our advertising agreement with Yahoo! and there are some misconceptions about it. So today we are putting f...
Adobe users get help with Google Site Search
"No man is an island," the old saying goes. The same could be said of software: in an always-online world, even traditional deskto...
Online safety tips from Google and AARP
Now more than ever before, older Americans are logging on and surfing the web to stay in touch with family and friends, read websites and bl...
Project 10^100
If you could suggest a unique idea that would help as many people as possible, what would it be? It's a question worth considering. Neve...
This year's Faculty Summit
Recently we hosted more than 90 distinguished faculty members from roughly 60 North American universities to the Googleplex for the 4th Annu...