As we promised , here's an update on the search patterns we observed during last night's presidential debate . While a few lucky cit...
I clicked to buy and I liked it
When you view a YouTube video with a great soundtrack, you often see comments from YouTube users asking about the name of the song and where...
Knol debates: See both sides, get involved
As the election season builds to a climax, the candidates have been engaging in a number of debates. With all the excitement, we wanted to g...
New Technology Roundtable series
We've just posted the first three videos in the Google Technology Roundtable Series . Each one is a discussion with senior Google resear...
The VP debate: Candidates, questions, and queries
If information is the currency of democracy, as Thomas Jefferson allegedly said, then during last Thursday's vice-presidential debate be...
Amazon conservation in San Francisco
For most of us, today is another Saturday. For a chief of the Surui tribe in the Brazilian Amazon, it's a unique day, because San Franci...
Browse what the world is saying on Blog Search
Did you know that millions of bloggers around the world write new posts each week? If you're like me, you probably read only a tiny frac...