This week, our Trondheim-based Google Alerts team launched support for feeds, a highly requested feature you can use to receive alerts via ...
A picture of a thousand words?
(Note: Click on the first result in each of the search results pages linked to throughout the post to see this feature in action.) A scanner...
What we learned from 1 million businesses in the cloud
The reliability of cloud computing has been a hot topic recently, partly because glitches in the cloud don't happen behind closed doors ...
The latest on Google Apps for Education
It was exactly two years ago at the EDUCAUSE conference that we first announced our free Google Apps offering for educational institutions...
Voting tools for volunteers on the go
(Cross-posted from the Google Mobile Blog ) With the U.S. elections less than a week away, voting drives are ramping up. Political parties a...
Video your vote on Election Day
If you've been paying even passing attention to the 2008 election, you know that without a doubt this is the most documented election in...
Eight candles for Google Toolbar
Google recently celebrated its 10th birthday . As we participated in the festivities, we realized that we are coming upon another birthday: ...