Today, Barack Obama was sworn in as the 44th president of the United States of America. As we observed throughout the presidential campaign...
A day on, not a day off
Today, Americans celebrate the birthday of the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. One of the chief elements of the day, as expressed by Dr. King ...
100,000th knol published
A few weeks ago the 100,000th knol was published, and we figured now is an excellent time to reflect on the first five months of Knol's ...
Building engineers
We believe great ideas can come from anywhere and everyone. And we aspire to be an organization that reflects global diversity, because we k...
Supporting equality
In September of last year, Google announced its opposition to California's Proposition 8 . While the campaign was emotionally charged ...
Making your personalized homepage even more personal
The holidays have passed, but if you're anything like me, you've got a gold mine of bear hugs and embarrassing moments captured on f...
Hear how Illinois State University uses Google Search
Search functionality is a critical part of higher education websites due to the diverse audiences that these sites serve. Current and prospe...