Since the launch of Google Apps Education Edition in October 2006, millions of people at thousands of schools in more than 100 countries ha...
A Health Care CEO Who Didn't Put His Own Pay First
We recently posted about executives at two different not-for-profit health care insurance companies/ managed care organizations whose pay se...
Former Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science Board Member Pleads Guilty
The Chicago Tribune published a reminder about a scandal from a few years ago that got little other than local attention at the time, Dr. R...
Disruptive Innovators at Healthcare Renewal: Disruptive to whom, exactly?
The fascinating site "HealthMemes: Tracking Conversations About the Future of Health" at identifies lat...
Here comes Google Voice
We've just started to release a preview of Google Voice, an application that helps you better manage your voice communications. Google V...
Google Reader starts a conversation
I'm a big fan of sharing (might be all those lessons I learned in kindergarten). And when I share something, it's always nice to get...
Wal-Mart to market Electronic Medical Records? Has Medicine Gone Bananas?
No, it's not April 1 yet. While I bought the very netbook on which I am composing this essay at Wal Mart, along with the shirt I'm w...