Regarding the very well done Sunday Oct. 25, 2009 story in the Washington Post " Electronic medical records not seen as a cure-all ...
This week in search 10/24/09
This is part of a regular series of posts on search experience updates that runs on Fridays. Look for the label "This week in search...
Washington Post: EMR's No Cure-All; Sen. Grassley Sends Letter of Inquiry to health IT vendors
Senator Grassley has sent a letter out to ten major health IT vendors seeking information on health IT problems and flaws. The letter can b...
"Organisational Ethics Policies; A Primer"
I regret that it took me so long to find an essay on "Organisational Ethics Policies" by Howard Whitton, available from the Europe...
Academic Freedom Curtailed: Censorship Down Under On EHR's for the Emergency Department?
In a stunning development: The essay on Emergency Department electronic health record (EHR) problems in the Australian state of New South Wa...
Celebrating free expression 20 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall
(Cross-posted from the YouTube Blog ) In 1989, the fall of the Berlin Wall became a striking symbol for free expression far beyond the borde...
Reading gets personal with Popular items and Personalized ranking
(Cross-posted from the Official Google Reader Blog ) Today, we're launching two changes to Google Reader to help you discover more inte...