Around Google we know firsthand the value that small changes, aggregated on a large scale, can bring to people everywhere. It's how our search engine and advertising system work: every click counts. Similar thinking — local action, global impact — is what made Cyan Ta'eed, her husband Collis Ta'eed, and Leo Babauta create Blog Action Day, a worldwide initiative to get blogs posting about a common cause: the environment. As Cyan has said of bloggers and readers around the world, "If they all make a very small change it could be very effective, and a small step but an important step" on the road to addressing climate change and other environmental challenges.

In this first year, more than 10,000 bloggers are participating in Blog Action Day around the world. We're pleased to be among them. Fifteen of our corporate blogs are posting today, on topics varying from this weekend's International Clean-up Day to this year's Nobel Peace Prize recipients. Other blogs covered a competition for the best sustainable designs using SketchUp, green programs on YouTube and the efforts of the Bioneers to bring together thinkers from many disciplines to tackle environmental issues. We also enjoy various company-wide green initiatives, from offering employees shared hybrid cars on-site to serving organic food to installing solar panels.

We look forward to seeing the momentum of Blog Action Day, and we encourage you to join the many bloggers and citizens who are making their voices heard about environmental concerns.

Update: Check out posts on more participating Google Blogs: Blogger Buzz, Blogger Buzz - ES, Checkout Blog, Finance Blog, Google Base Blog - DE, Inside AdSense, Inside AdWords, Inside Google Book Search Blog, the Google Italy Blog and Blogs of Note - EN and ES.

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