The revolving door is the two-way conduit between leadership positions in government and industry that helps to enable health care, and maybe all of society, to be run by a group of insiders who can move easily between large or influential health care organizations and the government bodies that are supposed to regulate, oversee, and enforce laws relevant to them.

It has been three months since our last update on the revolving door as it applies to health care, so here is our latest effort, according to the chronological order of the initial media coverage. 

Foundation Leader with Ties to Eli Lilly and to Former Synthes CEO to the White House

As reported by the New York Times in December, 2013, new White House senior adviser John D Podesta, who founded and ran the nominally non-profit organization Center for American Progress, had multiple ties to health care corporations and their leaders, e.g., to pharmaceutical maker Eli Lilly,

The pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly was also a donor because of what it said was the Center for American Progress’s advocacy for patients’ rights — and just as the debate heated up in Washington over potential cuts to the Medicare program that covers Lilly’s most profitable drugs.

Although, for the record,

Neera Tanden, the president of the Center for American Progress, said in an interview that the group frequently takes positions that conflict with the corporate agendas of its donors, including companies like Eli Lilly

Also an important but somewhat less obvious linkage was described thus by the Times, 

 In addition, he earned $90,000 as a consultant to the HJW Foundation of West Chester, Pa, according to an aide working with him on the disclosure report he is preparing. HJW is a nonprofit group run by Hansjörg Wyss, a billionaire businessman and major contributor to the Center for American Progress.

What the Times did not say about Mr Wyss was that he is the former CEO of Synthes, a Swiss based medical device company, since merged into Johnson and Johnson   As we wrote in 2011,

 Synthes USA, the American branch of a Swiss based device company, first settled charges that it had been paying surgeons with company stock to use its products in its clinical trials in 2009 (see this post).  Then prosecutors alleged that these were not really rigorous trials. Instead, for marketing purposes, executives of Synthes subsidiary Norian persuaded surgeons to use its Norian XR product in a case series of spine surgery patients and then publish the results.  Three patients who received the product for this 'off-label' use died.  This scheme was alleged to have been directed by "person no. 7," whom journalists identified as the company CEO, Hansjorg Wyss (see post here.)   In an unusual move, the prosecutors indicted four company executives, who then pleaded guilty.  They did not take any further action against Wyss, who turns out to be one of the world's richest men (see post here).

However, at the time the former executives were sentenced, one of the executive's attorney's claimed,

Wyss was the undisputed leader of the company. 'He made some of the very critical decisions that put the trials on the ultimate pathway,' Gurney said. 'The culture of an organization is set at the top.'

Former Deputy White House Press Secretary to Global Strategy Group, Whose Clients Include Pfizer, Purdue Pharma, and WellPoint

As reported by the National Journal in December, 2013,

Bill Burton
Old gig: Deputy White House press secretary
New gig: Formed and ran Priorities USA Action, a super PAC that raked in more than $75 million during the 2012 campaign; recently joined the public affairs firm Global Strategy Group as a managing director. Clients include GE, Cisco, American Express, Comcast, and Pfizer.

Other health care clients include health insurance company Empire BCBS, pharmaceutical company Purdue Pharma, and for-profit health insurance company WellPoint

Former National Health Information Technology Coordinator to Get Real Health

As reported by Government HealthIT in February, 2014,

Three months after leaving the federal government, [former National Coordinator for Health Information Technology] Farzad Mostashari, MD, is joining the board of directors at the patient engagement company Get Real Health.

The big-thinking, bow-tied public health veteran is currently studying accountable care policies full-time at the Brookings Institution, and said he’s joining the Get Real Health board to help it '‘stay’ real as it innovates and serves patients and providers.'

The Rockville, Maryland-based company was founded in 2000, starting out as a connected health consulting outfit and then, after working with Microsoft’s HealthVault in 2007, launching its own health technology in 2012, the InstantPHR patient engagement platform.

From CareScience Inc to National Coordinator for Health Information Technology to Health Evolution Partners

The article about Dr Mostashari also mentioned in passing a more complicated set of transitions involving an earlier national coordinator for health care information technology.   

Mostashari is not the only former national coordinators to step into the health IT private sector after federal service. David Brailer, MD, the first appointee to the role of the national coordinator for health IT, is now running the San Francisco private equity firm Health Evolution Partners.

But in fact, according to his rather glowing Wikipedia entry, Dr Brailer also came from the commercial health care IT industry,

 In 1992, Brailer left academia and founded a company spun out of his Ph.D. thesis, inventing ways to measure health-care quality. This became CareScience Inc., a Philadelphia software firm that helped hospitals improve efficiency and prevent errors. Under Brailer, CareScience established the nation's first health care Application Service Provider (ASP). Brailer led the company through several financings, strategic partnerships, an initial public offering in 2000, and sale to global software firm Quovadx in 2003.

Then, in 2004,

Brailer was appointed as the first National Health Information Technology Coordinator, pursuant to an executive order by President George W. Bush on April 27, 2004, which called for widespread deployment of health information technology within 10 years.

According to his Health Evolution Partners biography, Dr Brailer is also now a member of the boards of directors of American Optical Services, CenseoHealth, Optimal Radiology, and Walgreen Co.

From Aide to Congressman Young to a Lobbying Firm with Health Care Clients Then to Congress

According to the Tampa Bay Times, yesterday Republican David Jolly won a special election to a congressional seat for Florida.  The article noted that Mr Jolly was "once an obscure aide to the late Republican U.S. Rep. C.W. Bill Young and then a Washington lobbyist,..."

His past work was described in more detail in a post on the Republic Report blog,

David Jolly, the Republican congressional candidate vying for the special election in Florida next week, has not only made a career out of lobbying. Records reviewed by Republic Report show that Jolly’s clients won millions of dollars in taxpayer earmarks from his old boss, the late Rep. C.W. 'Bill' Young (R-FL), an appropriator known for his lavish use of the earmarking process. 


Two of the firms that hired Jolly as a lobbyist - BayCare Health Systems and Alakai Defense Systmes - won lucrative earmarks from Young while paying Jolly to influence the committee where Young was a senior member.

In 2009, BayCare Health Sytems retained Jolly and another former Young staffer named Douglas Gregory.  Later that year, Young secured a $1 million earmark for BayCare Health Systems for 'facilities and improvements.'


Note that the revolving door does not seem to discriminate according to political party or ideology.  The cases above involved both Republicans and Democrats. But the revolving door does discriminate against the not well connected, because it seems to provided preferred posts in the upper echelons of government for industry insiders, and preferred posts in the upper echelons of industry for government insiders. 

As we have said many times before, the constant interchange of health care insiders among government, large health care corporations, and the lobbying and legal firms which represent them certainly suggests that health care, like many other sectors, seems to be run by an amorphous group of insiders who owe allegiance neither to government nor industry.

However, those who work in government are supposed to be working for the people, and those who work on health care within government are supposed to be working for patients' and the public health.  If they are constantly looking over their shoulders at potential private employers who might offer big checks, who indeed are they working for?
Attempts to turn government toward private gain and away from being of the people, by the people, and for the people have no doubt been going on since the beginning of government (and since the Constitution was signed, in the case of the US).  However, true health care reform  would require curtailing the severe sorts of conflicts of interest created by the revolving door.

Real heath care reform would require  multiyear cooling off periods before someone who worked in the commercial world can get a job in a government whose work has direct effect on his or her previous employer or industry sector, and before someone who worked in government whose work had direct effect on a particular economic sector can accept a job for a company in that sector.   

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