Posted by Hunter Walk, Drink Challenger (and Product Manager) Google's broad corporate goals are well documented , and as Googlers, we ...
I read the news today, oh boy!
Posted by Mike Dixon, Engineering Manager We've been steadily adding more editions of Google News ( Korea , anyone? Chile ?) so that ev...
Taking the plunge
We seem to be famous (or infamous ) for never taking our products out of beta -- the software equivalent of commitment issues, perhaps. But ...
Searching for weather, by web or by phone
As a kid, I would stare for hours at repetitious weather reports on TV. Boring, you say? Not to me - I love weather. And since I've work...
Reviewing local search
Is Gary Danko in San Francisco really as good as you've heard? Google Local just got better at helping you find the answers to questio...
On the map
The Maps team was excited to see all the ideas and feedback that hit blogs around the Web after Google Maps launched a couple weeks ago, an...
Google movies: now playing
Red pill blue pill . Ship hits iceberg . One ring to rule them all . If you love movies, you know which films these phrases refer to. Now, t...