Imagine the last time you misplaced an important document right when you needed it most: your plane ticket the day of a flight; your driver...
Seeing New Orleans through Street View
Louisiana is a place with heart and soul, a place where culture lives in the streets, in the rhythm of our music and in the flavors of our u...
Search quality, continued
A few weeks back Udi Manber introduced the search quality group , and the previous posts in this series talked about the ranking of docume...
Google in your language
You may have read a couple of weeks back about our 40-language initiative and our broader goal of making the world’s information accessible...
Hello from A2
We set up shop in Ann Arbor, Mich. nearly two years ago. And we’ve been so busy, we’ve barely had time to say hi. But before we tell you abo...
Back to school with more than 1 million users worldwide
Google Apps is rapidly gaining momentum in education. We now have more than a million people on campuses worldwide actively using Google...
More transparency in customized search results
As we continue to refine our search algorithms to deliver more relevant results, we strive to be as open as possible about how we use data ...