We love hearing from schools using Google Apps Education Edition , especially when it's helped them save money, gain back time or make s...
Guest Blog - On the Need to Get Ethical
Guest blog by Dr William Tierney - This is old news. I'm the Co-Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of General Internal Medicine, and in our ...
Wyeth's Industrial Scale Ghost-Writing
MedInformaticsMD noted the impending release of documents about how Wyeth engineered ghost-writing of articles about hormone replacement th...
A speedier, spiffier beta for Google Chrome
Since our last major update of Google Chrome in May, we've been hard at work improving some of its most used and loved features. Today,...
Harvard Cut Money for Primary Care "Step-Child"
This story, about cuts in the funding for Harvard Medical School's minimal program in primary care, has received little attention in the...
Innovation in video on the web
Today, video is an important part of many people's everyday activities on the Internet and a big part of many Google products. Because w...
HIMSS: Hospital CIO's Should Not Only Manage Healthcare IT, But Also Biomedical Engineering
I have written in the past about the territoriality of the IT department in hospitals, observing that the departments I was exposed to seeme...