I have noted that numerous policy makers I've spoken with freely admit their knowledge of healthcare IT is zero, or limited to what they...
More Hospitals Settle, But Not for Much
In late February, there have been several notable legal settlements made by more or less prominent hospitals, discussed in rough order of si...
Electronic Medical Records: Two Weeks, Two Reams
Electronic medical records in the pioneering years were about helping clinicians better understand a patient. They were about easing the cl...
"Replace the RUC!"
We have frequently posted, first here in 2007 , and more recently here and here , about the little-known group that controls how the US Med...
Send Mercenaries, Guns, and Money? - Cerberus Tries to Buy Jackson Health
The latest twist in the tale of one of the US great safety-net public hospitals raises some interesting questions. As reported by John Dor...
MedInformaticsMD in WSJ again: No Patient Will Ever Say, 'Quick, Watson, the Needle!'
Following along the lines of my Jan. 2011 post IBM's Watson, Jeopardy, and "Revolutionizing Medicine " , the Wall Street Journ...
Three Years Later, A Congressional Investigation of the Deadly Adulterated Heparin
Slightly more than three years ago, we first posted about the case of the deadly adulterated heparin. (A case summary is appended to the e...