This story describes a very bad scenario for sick Canadians. I offer just a few pithy comments, as not much more than that is needed: http:...
Another Sign The EHR Experiment is Producing Undesired (But Predictable) Results: ED EHRs Produce No Efficiency Gains
Adverse results that run counter to the industry meme of healthcare IT exceptionalism are coming fast and furious. It's hard for me to ...
From a physician and former USAF air traffic controller/pilot on the state of healthcare IT
From a colleague, a physician and blogger and fellow AMIA member with an eclectic background, on the state of healthcare information technol...
James Fallows - The Atlantic - "The Use and Misuse of Information Technology in Health Care"
James Fallows , a national correspondent for The Atlantic, wrote "The Use and Misuse of Information Technology in Health Care: Several ...
WaPo: "When treating a patient with dementia, electronic health records fall short"
Which raises the question: for what patient types do EHRs in 2014 not "fall short" in many of the ways cited by this author? When...
"Doctors' Dissatisfaction With EHRs May Be Early Warning of Deeper Quality Problems" - And Some Common Sense on EHRs and Clinician Distraction and Time-Wasting
The following article was published regarding physician dissatisfaction with EHRs, referencing a RAND study on EHRs commissioned by the Amer...
Yet Another "Anecdote" - Inpatient Results of Electronic Prescribing "Disappointing"
Many of those in the Medical Informatics community, especially the academics in the upper echelons of the American Medical Informatics Ass...
Sickness in the Information Technology Sector: Technical problems, discord plagued Maryland health care site
Eye-opening, ground-level, no-holds-barred accounts of IT mismanagement and mayhem are too rare, considering the stakes in 2013. The behind...
Australian Medical Association on EHR rollout: 'Hard to use, increases workload, hard to find data, we just don't seem to have got the outcome we were looking for.'
Some familiar themes from the Australian Medical Association on their attempt at a National Programme for Health IT: Electronic health recor...
A new and very interesting EMR "glitch" - no warnings on stopping a medicine that diminishes the effects of a second medication
A new and very interesting EMR "glitch" from a report I received recently: ... I found a glitch with my [name redacted] EMR. It pr...
Louise Schaper, PhD, CEO, Health Informatics Society of Australia: "What's Missing From the Health IT Investment? - Health Informatics"
Louise Schaper, PhD, CEO of the Health Informatics Society of Australia (HISA, ), graciously extended an invitation...
Words that Work: Singing Only Positive - And Often Unsubstantiated - EHR Praise As "Advised" At The University Of Arizona Health Network
When clinicians are told to promote a technology in no uncertain terms, that puts a chilling effect on critical thinking and discourse. In ...