The world of electronic medical records is very secretive. Vendors will not allow their programs or data structures to be examined, even ...
HHS rule would give government everybody’s health records?
I really don't like the sound of this in the Washington Examiner. It contains many warnings of the kind I've written about here at ...
My doctor will now need to code for when I get bitten by George or Martha Goose
The bureaucrats always seem to find new ways to waste precious medical resources and capital to justify their existence. Here's the late...
Johnson and Johnson Pleads Guilty - a Reminder of the "Lost Decade" of Nesiritide
It was just a short article in Bloomberg about yet another misstep by Johnson and Johnson.... Johnson & Johnson (JNJ)’s Scios unit agre...
NPfIT Programme goes "PfffT"
More on the travails of the UK's moribund National Programme for IT in the NHS. It's officially gone "PffffT"... NHS told ...
Australia and Health IT: Will Government Officials Ever Learn?
Perhaps New Zealand professor Shaun Goldfinch's article " Pessimism, Computer Failure, and Information Systems Development in the P...
What the Pfizer (IV)? - One Board to Rule Them All
The recent in-depth investigation by Fortune reporters of 10 years of dysfunctional leadership at Pfizer , the "world's largest re...