Health care corruption is widely prevalent around the globe, but remains the great unmentionable. Introduction: Global Health Care Corrupti...
Abort, Retry, Fail? - Lancet Avoided Much Recent Unpleasantness in Reporting on New Gates Foundation CEO (Including Her Defense of $55,000 a Year for Bevacizumab)
The April 26, 2014 issue of the prestigious journal Lancet used two full pages and two separate articles by the same author to discuss the a...
American Board of Internal Medicine Quietly Discloses Some Conflicts of Interest
We recently discussed the American Board of Internal Medicine's exceedingly weak conflict of interest policy. This came to light after...
Knee Deep in the Hoopla - "A Triumph of Medical Technology" Sans Evidence of Superiority from Published Randomized Double Blind Controlled Trials
With the publication of several new articles in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine, the buzz about Sovaldi (sofosbuvir - Gilead...
Planned Obsolescence Disguised as Innovation, Oligopoly Disguised as a Free Market, and the Enrichment of Oligarchs
The New York Times published another article in its series on the high cost of US health care. This one, focused on the care of type 1 di...
Finally, An Article in a Large Circulation Medical Journal with Systematic Data about Leaders of Academic Medicine Conflicted by their Service on Health Care Corporate Boards
Background - a New Species of Conflict of Interest Since 2006 , we have posted repeatedly about what was then a new species of severe conf...
No Fooling - When a Retired Conservative Politician Warns About Oligarchy...
then things must be getting really bad. Of course, we have been warning about oligarchy , and related issues such as concentration of power ...
Turnabout is Fair Play - Why University of Illinois Students, Faculty and Alumni Should Question the Dean of Medicine about Novartis' Ethical Misadventures
Since 2006, we have posted repeatedly about what was then a new species of severe conflicts of interest. This occurred when leaders of aca...