We set up shop in Ann Arbor, Mich. nearly two years ago. And we’ve been so busy, we’ve barely had time to say hi. But before we tell you abo...
Back to school with more than 1 million users worldwide
Google Apps is rapidly gaining momentum in education. We now have more than a million people on campuses worldwide actively using Google...
More transparency in customized search results
As we continue to refine our search algorithms to deliver more relevant results, we strive to be as open as possible about how we use data ...
Goodbye to Randy Pausch, a great teacher
Randy Pausch , a professor of computer science at Carnegie Mellon University and a good friend of Google, passed away last night. In additio...
Ragogmakan (Google) goes to the Amazon
Last month, a group of Googlers traveled to Brazil, to conduct our first-ever project in the Amazon. Organized by our Google Earth Outreach ...
We knew the web was big...
We've known it for a long time: the web is big. The first Google index in 1998 already had 26 million pages, and by 2000 the Google inde...
Knol is open to everyone
A few months ago we announced that we were testing a new product called Knol . Knols are authoritative articles about specific topics, writ...