Today is Blog Action Day , an annual event that rallies blogs around the world to post about a common cause. This year's issue up for di...
Quality scores and ad auctions
There's some interest in how and why "quality scores" are used in search engine ad auctions. In this post, we will try to des...
Helping website owners fix broken links
Have you ever clicked on a link only to have it unveil an unfriendly "file not found" message? We know it's a bummer, so now W...
Google Health feels accessible
From time to time, our own T.V. Raman shares his tips on how to use Google from his perspective as a technologist who cannot see -- ti...
Stories by Googlers
I recently had the chance to interview several long-time Googlers about the early days. To commemorate our 10th birthday, we've been rev...
Getting around your neighborhood with Google Maps
When I moved to the Bay Area last year, everything was new to me. I didn't know Los Altos from Los Gatos, good eateries in my neighborho...
The Presidential debate: Expanding the town hall
As we promised , here's an update on the search patterns we observed during last night's presidential debate . While a few lucky cit...