We just discussed Henry Kissinger as an early example of the intellectual mercenary, and recent striking examples of academic mercenaries,particularly the Harvard University-derived Monitor Group's academically disguised public relations work for Libyan tyrant Moammar Khadafy.

We concluded that academic mercenaries help foster the corporate culture in which health care is now immersed.  However, it also appears they may have direct influence on health care. 

Monitor Group Leadership

Consider for example the main figure in the Monitor Group - Khadafy scandal.  According to a Boston Globe article, Michael Porter developed the Monitor-Khadafy connection:
Monitor’s work in Libya began when Michael Porter, a Harvard Business School professor who is among the country’s top theorists on management strategies, received a call from Saif Khadafy around 2001, according to Porter. Saif, a Western-leaning doctoral student who US officials hoped would become the next leader of Libya, asked for his expertise to help change Libya’s battered, Soviet-style economy.
(Saif, of course, later sided with his father in brutally putting down anti-government protesters.)

According to his official Harvard biography, Michael Porter also has a big interest in health care:
Since 2001, Professor Porter has devoted considerable attention to competition in the health care system, with a focus on improving health care delivery. His work with Professor Elizabeth Teisberg, including the book Redefining Health Care: Creating Value-Based Competition on Results (Harvard Business School Press, 2006), is influencing thinking and practice not only in the United States but numerous other countries.
In fact, the New England Journal of Medicine published his four-page commentary on "value-based" health care reform in 2009 [Porter ME. A strategy for health care reform - toward a value-based system. N Engl J Med 2009; 361: 109-112. Link here.]

The journal required that he disclose financial relationships with other health care organizations, including
receiving lecture fees from the American Surgical Association, the American Medical Group Association, the World Health Care Congress, Hoag Hospital, and the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, receiving director's fees from Thermo Fisher Scientific, and having an equity interest in Thermo Fisher Scientific, Genzyme, Zoll Medical, Merck, and Pfizer.
The Boston Globe article identified two more Monitor leaders who helped develop the Libyan connection:
Porter brought in Monitor, a firm he had helped found, along with other associates including former Harvard professors Mark Fuller, who is now the firm’s chairman, and Joseph Fuller, who works at Monitor and also collaborates on research with some Harvard professors.

Mark Fuller, the current CEO of the Monitor Group, who wrote to the Libyan government proposing to counter its "deficit of positive public relations" as described by Mother Jones, per the New Profit Inc web-site is:
a Member of Harvard University's Major Gifts Steering Committee, a Member of the [Harvard] Board of Overseers' Committee on University Resources,...
Joseph Fuller was an unsuccesful candidate for the Harvard Board of Overseers in 2010. His biography for that candidacy also stated:
He and his wife, Ruthanne Schwartz Fuller, MBA ’83, served on the HBS Board of Dean’s Advisors and Joe on the Harvard College Fund and the FAS Undergraduate Education Planning Committee.

So of the three Monitor Group leaders who developed the stealth public relations campaign for Khadafy, the leader who set up the relationship with Libya has a professed interest in health care, published on health policy in a prominent journal, and has financial ties to multiple health care organizations. The two others have leadership roles within their own university which are likely to affect its medical and health care spheres

Monitor's Hired Academics

Furthermore, of the seven outside academics the Monitor Group paid to help promote the Khadafy regime per the Mother Jones article, three had health care connections. 

Richard Perle is on the board of directors of New Health Sciences Inc, a biotechnology company.

In 2008, Francis Fukuyama was elected a member of the Board of Trustees of the Rand Corporation, which does substantial health care research.

Benjamin Barber's own biography claims he has been on the National Advisory Board of American Health Decision Inc since 1992.


As we noted before, severe problems with the leadership and governance of health care seem not to be only due to specific deficiencies within health care, but may also be influenced by larger societal problems.  The leadership of many organizations seems to have been given over to self-serving opportunists with no fixed values or loyalties. David Halberstam described Henry Kissinger as a prototype of these "wildly ambitious agents of opportunity," also as:
the free agent—the professional political player who brilliantly manipulated the press, played both sides of issues, and put his own agenda ahead of all others.

We discussed examples of such free agents who cloaked themselves in the mantles of two formerly prestigious academic institutions, Columbia and Harvard Universities. Both universities have medical schools, teaching hospitals, and considerable influence within medicine and health care. So it seems likely that the free agency of faculty outside of medicine and health care could influence how things are done within medicine and health care. Furthermore, we have demonstrated that many free agents whose focus may not primarily be on health care and medicine may have wide-ranging activities including some that directly affect medicine and health care.

The pervasive nature of free agents, or agents of opportunity within academia, government, and the rest of society shows why it has been so hard to challenge the threats to core values created by conflicts of interest in medicine and health care. The conflicted already hold much of the power within the larger society in which medicine and health care operate. They are unlikely to favor restrictions on their brother and sister free agents within the medical and health care sector.

So our effort to address concentration and abuse of power in health care, and promote accountability, integrity, honesty, and ethics in health care leadership and governance must necessarily take into account these issues in society at large. The bad news is that the problems are much bigger than we first imagined. The good news is that we have potential allies facing similar problems throughout the world.

But it is now really clear that to truly reform health care, we must improve the accountability, integrity, honesty and ethics of not only health care leadership and governance, but of all organizational leadership and governance. That should keep us busy for a while.

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