Sickness in the Information Technology Sector:  Technical problems, discord plagued Maryland health care site Sickness in the Information Technology Sector: Technical problems, discord plagued Maryland health care site

Eye-opening, ground-level, no-holds-barred accounts of IT mismanagement and mayhem are too rare, considering the stakes in 2013.  The behind...

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Over At The Health Care Blog, Aneesh Chopra Distorts IT Failure Reality Over At The Health Care Blog, Aneesh Chopra Distorts IT Failure Reality

I feel sorry for President Obama.  I really do.  He's been deceived by IT hyperenthusiasts who, in addition to their hyperenthusiasm, pr...

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Drudge Report, Oct. 10, 2013, 9 AM EST:  All that needs to be said about government, computing and healthcare Drudge Report, Oct. 10, 2013, 9 AM EST: All that needs to be said about government, computing and healthcare

Per Drudge Report . Oct. 10, 2013, 9 AM EST: From the same people who brought us HITECH, the stimulus bill for rapid rollout of commercial e...

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