Introduction - New Leadership for the US Department of Veterans Affairs After reports of problems with access, manipulation of data about wa...
Sham Peer Review Issue Goes Mainstream. WaPo: VA Physicians Fear Sham Peer Review
The paper's words this time, not mine: From the Washington Post, "VA docs concerned about retaliation", June 12, 2014, http://...
EHR Exceptionalism Debunked: Care Quality Variances Among VA Hospitals, Perhaps The Most Wired Hospitals in the World, Suggest the True Value of Information Technology in Healthcare Has Been Grossly Exaggerated
The Wall Street Journal somehow managed to get access to internal VA patient care quality data and published the following article: http://o...
"Texas VA Run Like a ‘Crime Syndicate,’ Whistleblower Says" - Can Reports About the Benefits of EHRs at the VA Healthcare System Be Trusted?
More and more is leaking out about alleged executive malfeasance at the Veteran's Administration healthcare system in the U.S. This arti...
A very short observation on EHRs and the Veterans Administration healthcare scandal
As has been in the news lately, it has been revealed that U.S. veterans' medical care was being delayed at a number of Veteran's Adm...
Another Revolving Door Variant: From Academia with Millions in Medtronic Royalties, to the White House, to the Health Care Service Corp
The revolving door spins, and where it will stop, nobody knows... In October, 2010, we noted questions about how Dr Stephen Ondra got to be ...
"Toxic and Dangerous?" - The Watchdog vs Medtronic's Man at the VA
An odd story that appeared earlier this month linked several people we have discussed on Health Care Renewal. On one hand, we posted about h...
$4 Billion Military EMR "AHLTA" to be Put Out of Its Misery? Also, Does the VA Have $150 Million to Burn on IT That Was Never Used?
I have heard from numerous reliable sources that the military's $4 billion+ EMR known as " Armed Forces Health Longitudinal Techno...
Philadelphia VA Hospital Brachytherapy Debacle: For The Want of One Competent and Industrious IT Person
This post should perhaps be subtitled "The Theatre of the Absurd." At Healthcare Renewal and other sites I've often commented ...
Bungled Brachytherapy, Computer Interfaces and Other Mysteries At The Philadelphia Veterans Administration Hospital
The Philadelphia VA Hospital has had some problems with brachytherapy (implantation of small radioactive pellets for prostate cancer) recen...
"There is Always a Hidden Agenda" - Alleged Cover Up of Research Abuses at the VA
In January, we posted the story of malfeasance at the Stratton Veterans Affairs (VA) Medical Center in Albany. Today, the NY Times published...
Those Government Health Care Blues
A few recent examples of mismanagement in the government health care sector: Cuts in Ontario The province of Ontario, Canada planned to lowe...
Can They Think Outside of the "Proverbial Federal Box?"
A couple of brief anecdotes illustrating what happens when large organizations run health care.... In Colorado, there is indignation over th...
Your Health Care Tax Dollars at Work?
Doctors hear again and again about how the health care they provide is too expensive, but we hear little about how large health core organiz...