(Cross-posted with the Social Web Blog ) On the subway, I bump elbows with a guy for 20 city blocks without exchanging a single word. Forty-...
(Cross-posted with the Social Web Blog ) On the subway, I bump elbows with a guy for 20 city blocks without exchanging a single word. Forty-...
Your friends and contacts are a key part of your life online. Most people on the web today make social connections and publish web content i...
We launched iGoogle in 2005 as a way for people to quickly and easily personalize their Google experience with all the information on the we...
We know that there are millions of sites using Google Friend Connect to build a community around their content and they come in a variety o...
While many organizations are doing great work to enable community service locally, it's not simple to search across opportunities from a...
When we started building Friend Connect , we wanted to provide a fully open system — one that lets you join any website and interact with th...
Site owners often tell us that to build strong communities on the web, they have to be a jack-of-all-trades. With Google Friend Connect , we...
We know many of you enjoy using Twitter to see what people are talking about and to let others know what you've been up to, whether it...
We're pleased to share that Google Friend Connect is now available in beta to any webmaster looking to add a "dash of social" ...
The Internet has had an enormous impact on people's lives around the world in the ten years since Google's founding. It has cha...
Posted by Niniane Wang, Engineering Manager A while ago, I looked around the social web and wished that it could be less static. Sure, you c...
Posted by Mussie Shore, Product Manager Have you ever wished you could share information and interact with friends while visiting some of yo...
Posted by Dan Peterson, Product Manager Last November, OpenSocial was created to help build infrastructure for the social web. OpenSocial p...
Posted by Amar Gandhi, orkut Group Product Manager Starting this month, we're enabling developers to make their social applications avai...
Posted by Joe Kraus, Director of Product Management As the web goes, so goes Google, and that's why we care about making the web better....
Posted by Pedram Keyani, Software Engineer While orkut users love having an online social network, we understand that a good deal of your s...