The word "magazine" is derived from the Arabic word "makhazin," meaning storehouse. Since Daniel Defoe published the wo...
Pirates vs. Ninjas: Who would win?

The rivalry has become a social phenomenon, from YouTube videos condemning pirates' accents to movies predicting the outcome of a f...
Google Friend Connect: now available

We're pleased to share that Google Friend Connect is now available in beta to any webmaster looking to add a "dash of social" ...
Helping healthcare providers become more efficient

Healthcare professionals have always focused on reducing costs while still increasing the quality of the care they provide to patients — and...
Holiday templates to keep you organized

The holidays are upon us, and there's much to do: Gifts to be wrapped, lights to be strung, candles to be lit, and a long list of tasks ...
Calling all musicians: Join YouTube's Symphony Orchestra

YouTube is offering musicians around the globe the opportunity to join a symphony orchestra via video through the world's first collabor...
Countdown to 2009

The end of the year is a wonderful time to reflect, celebrate, and look forward to new things to come. This is also a season when things ten...