We believe great ideas can come from anywhere and everyone. And we aspire to be an organization that reflects global diversity, because we k...
Blog gadget 2.0
Back in September we introduced an iGoogle gadget that makes it possible to read recent posts from all of our corporate blogs, right on you...
Jean Bartik: the untold story of a remarkable ENIAC programmer
This guest post was written by Kathy Kleiman , who discovered the ENIAC Programmers 20 years ago and founded the ENIAC Programmers Project t...
Picasa 3 (and name tags) go global
A few months back, we announced some pretty big upgrades to Picasa and Picasa Web Albums for English-speaking users in the U.S. On the PC ...
Gingerbread architecture for all
(Cross-posted from the Google SketchUp Blog ) Chilly weather, hot chocolate, holiday celebrations... I'm proud to kick off our sweetest ...
Net neutrality and the benefits of caching
(Cross-posted from the Google Public Policy Blog ) One of the first posts I wrote for this blog last summer tried to define what we at Goog...
@Twitter: Welcome to Google Friend Connect
We know many of you enjoy using Twitter to see what people are talking about and to let others know what you've been up to, whether it...