At " What, Me Worry? Lilly Fined Over Zyprexa, Should Be Fined For eRecruitment Inanity As Well? ", I wrote about a very bizarre...
Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss? - Health Care Reform to be Lead by a Director of Boston Scientific, Cerner, and Medco
Today we learned that President Obama has announced his new picks for Secretary of Health and Human Services and for Director of the White H...
Cerner board member as Healthcare Czar
President Obama has declared that National Electronic Health Records are essential to curing healthcare's ills. From MSNBC : WASHINGTON ...
Chatting away on iGoogle...
I'm a creature of habit. My morning routine consists of going to my desk with coffee mug in hand and checking my email, reading the news...
A $4.3 Million Dollar CEO for a Not-For-Profit Health Care Insurance Corporation
The US stock markets are at lows unseen for more than 10 years, unemployment is rising, around the world national deficits are increasing, a...
YouTube Symphony Orchestra winners are announced
(Cross-posted from the YouTube Blog ) Today we are proud to announce the winners of the world's first online collaborative orchestra. Th...
Where Is Our Medical Leadership on the Death Traps Known as Misdesigned Healthcare IT?
In my series on health IT ( starting here ) whose human engineering is ill conceived, philistine and presents clinicians with a mission ho...