The revolving door continues to turn connecting US government bodies that make health policy or regulate health care and the health care ind...
Is this Any Way to Discuss Health Care Policy? - Television Advertising about US Health Care Reform Cost $445 Million from 2010 -2014
Every now and then, we get an anonymous comment criticizing our "lack of balance" or words to that effect, maybe because we critic...
Marketing Bad Health Care Decisions as a New Form of Stealth Health Policy Advocacy
A remarkable set of video advertisements appeared a few weeks ago that seem designed to frighten people into making bad health care decision...
Round and Round Spins the Revolving Door, Unimpeded by "Obamacare," Nor By Those Protesting "Obamacare"
On this day of government dysfunction in the US, it is time for our latest installment on the " revolving door ," the interchange ...
What Sorts of People are "Most Influential in Healthcare?"
Modern Healthcare just put out their list of the "100 Most Influential People in Healthcare" for 2013. A look at what sorts of p...
The Door Revolves Again: the Former White House Health Reform Czar Goes to Private Equity Firm Looking for Investments Created by Health Reform
Round and round it goes, and when it will stop, nobody knows. Background: The Former Health Care Reform Czar's Past Career It appears th...
Is the Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute Really More Industry-Centered?
One of the biggest reasons our health care system seems so dysfunctional is that clinicians and patients have great difficulty determining w...
Why Did the "Dean of Health Care Economics" Urge Reforms that "Appeal to Some Special Interests?"
We have often discussed, some would say belabored, the importance of the " anechoic effect " in health care. Particular issues wh...
Where is the risk?
That’s the question Thomas Cox, an RN with insurance experience and expertise, says should be asked about any health care financing mechanis...