We have posted about cases in which hospitals or academic medical centers hired legislators to promote their political agendas. In one case ...
Google Apps is out of beta (yes, really)
We're often asked why so many Google applications seem to be perpetually in beta. For example, Gmail has worn the beta tag more than fiv...
A Blogger That Dares Not Speak His University's Name
Dr Douglas Bremner is a Professor of Psychiatry and Radiology at Emory University, and Director of the University's Clinical Neuroscien...
New Blog Search tools: Feeds, Hot Queries and Latest Posts
Ever since the new Google Blog Search homepage launched , we've been fielding requests for a myriad of different features. Today we...
The evolution of Gmail labels
I love labels in Gmail. Most email programs use folders, which only let me put mail in one place at a time. With labels, I can organize mai...
What we've learned about spam
Blended threats. Payload viruses. Spam. If you're one of the more than 15 million people whose work email is protected by Postini 's...
Human Subjects as Political Pawns
When it comes to “alternative medicine” trials, it seems that the NIH is willing to experiment on people in ways that would be unthinkable f...