It seems that when confronted with unfavorable facts or opinions, Merck executives like to threaten legal action, rather than just argue the...
Fourth Time is the (Anti)Charm? - UK NICE Highlights "Uncertainties in the Evidence Base" About Sovaldi
As we have discussed, ( here , here and here ), while anger continues to build about the $1000/ pill price sought by Gilead for its new ant...
At Merck's Urging, a Federal Judge Threatens to Sanction a Lone Professor for Trying to Reveal Evidence about Vioxx
We have written often, and most recently this week, about the limp posture taken by US law enforcement and regulatory agencies in the face...
Is this Any Way to Discuss Health Care Policy? - Television Advertising about US Health Care Reform Cost $445 Million from 2010 -2014
Every now and then, we get an anonymous comment criticizing our "lack of balance" or words to that effect, maybe because we critic...
Abort, Retry, Fail? - Lancet Avoided Much Recent Unpleasantness in Reporting on New Gates Foundation CEO (Including Her Defense of $55,000 a Year for Bevacizumab)
The April 26, 2014 issue of the prestigious journal Lancet used two full pages and two separate articles by the same author to discuss the a...
Forbes contributor Nicole Fisher, claimed proponent of healthcare human rights, writes long article on EHRs that neglects to mention patient harm
The field of health IT lives a charmed life. Even self-stated human rights advocates in healthcare won't seem to broach the topic of EHR...
CA Supreme Court upholds "whistleblower" protection for Modesto physician - and on replacing the abuser-favoring connotations of "whistleblower" with "Corporate Integrity Advocate"
"Whistleblower" is a term commonly used to refer to insiders in an organization who do not "go along to get along" or lo...
Medical Malpractice Insurer CRICO Challenges "EMR Complacency" - Or Do They?
In my Feb. 28, 2014 post " Malpractice Claims Analysis Confirms Risks in EHRs " (
Patient Safety & Quality Healthcare: "Malpractice Claims Analysis Confirms Risks in EHRs"
Two " EHR beneficence is not exactly as advertised " stories in one day. It's hard to keep up: After my earlier post today ...
To Die in Texas - Dr Mahmood's Apparently Fatal Stealth Hospital System Collapses Nearly Anechoically
I would bet that most people in the US still think our health care system is highly regulated. Some may thus conclude that the system is ba...