After an unfortunate hiatus (see this post ), PharmaLot is back. PharmaLot was one of the premier sources of incisive information on the ...
PharmaLot Sent Down the Memory Hole
As noted in blog posts ( The Scientist , the Pharma Marketing Blog , Shearlings got Plowed ), and one solitary newspaper article ( San Diego...
NYU Faculty Vote No Confidence in their President
Faculty at large American universities, in which most of the country's medical schools and teaching hospitals are embedded, are becoming...
At University of Miami, Faculty Without Confidence in their Hired Managers Afraid to Identify Themselves
The University of Miami has provided some vivid examples of the contrast between the power and privileges of the leaders of large health car...
Health Care Academics' Unrest and Bad Health Care Leadership?
Last month we discussed a recent, large scale study of physician burnout, and wondered whether it would finally inspire some discourse abou...
Using a "Professionalism" Initiative as a Speech Code to Punish Students' Criticisms of Administrative Authority?
The original impetus to set up Health Care Renewal was increasing evidence of external threats to physicians' professional values. So ...
SELF INFLICTED DAMAGE The American Psychiatric Association (APA) is in the news again for bad public relations: worse than bad, actually – a...
The UC-Davis Pepper-Spray Case as Illustrative of Problems with the Leadership of Health Care
The aggressive actions by University of California-Davis police against unarmed, peaceful student protesters turn out to be the latest illus...
Embedded Networks of Influence in Health Care: An Illustrative Case
At the 12th International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC), sponsored by Transparency International, one of the plenary sessions was devo...