Here is another case in the annals of over-paid executives of not-for-profit health care organizations, this time from the Burlington (VT) F...
An Attempt to Hold Health Care Leaders Accountable for Their Organizations' Bad Behavior?
We have frequently noted how health care organizations accused of kickbacks, fraud, and other unethical and sometimes illegal behavior invo...
Happy Times at NIMH – PART III The unraveling of Thomas Insel, MD, Director of the National Institute of Mental Health continues. His ties w...
Sequenom Executive Pleads Guilty, Banned from Leading Any Public Company (for Misleading Investors About the Performance of a Diagnostic Test?)
We have frequently noted how health care organizations accused of kickbacks, fraud, and other unethical and sometimes potentially illegal b...
St. Jude Medical Settles
We could not let more than a week go by without discussing another legal settlement by a major health care organization. From the Pioneer P...
Before we revolutionize medicine via spending hundreds of billions on IT, perhaps we should first fix this problem
Before we revolutionize medicine via spending hundreds of billions on IT, maybe we should first fix a far more tractable problem. From Healt...
RUC Off - the New England Journal Once Again Fails to Mention the Unmentionable
Last week, the influential New England Journal of Medicine published an article by Bruce Vladek entitled "Fixing Medicare's Physici...