In the news recently was a story about a new supercomputer doing amazing things. In a technological tour de force, IBM's Watson superco...
Cyber-Puppeteering on Health IT by Dr. TruthHurts
While the specifics in this Xtranormal video "Dr. TruthHurts" on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) might be...
ONC Workgroup Document Misindentification - Just the Type of Computer "Glitch" That Can Kill People
A provocative title indeed. The Office of the National Coordinator's Health IT Standards Committee Implementation Workgroup recently had...
Who Undermined "These Wonderful Philanthropic Organizations?" - Evil External Swindlers or Their Own Leadership
The rise and fall of yet another esteemed health care institution provides another cautionary tale about health care dysfunction. The Tragi...
Google CEO Eric Schmidt on Healthcare IT Once Again
At the Jan. 11, 2011 WSJ health blog, in an article entitled " JP Morgan Healthcare: Google’s Schmidt on Open Source and Health IT ...
The Curious Case of Pfizer's Asbestos Claims
Here is a very strange and long-running story that raises some questions about how health care organizations are lead, but seems to have bee...
Executive Compensation at Non-Profit Hospitals: Pay for ... Fraud?
We have often discussed executive compensation at US hospitals and academic medical centers, which seems to run from generous to outrageous...