The April 3, 2011 NY Times has a nice piece about pacemakers and AICDs from a little-known and low market share German device manufacturer,...
Making a Stat Less Significant: Common Sense on "Side Effects" Lacking in Healthcare IT Sector
At my Mar. 27, 2011 post " Those Who Dismiss Healthcare (and Healthcare IT) Adverse Events Reports as Mere "Anecdotes" Have L...
Logical Fallacies in Support of Payments for Board Members of Non-Profit Health Insurers
The kerfuffle over the huge golden parachute given the departing CEO of an ostensibly non-profit Massachusetts health insurer/ managed care ...
Wendell Potter on "Insurers’ Cynical Calculations on the Cost of Doing Business"
On his blog , Wendell Potter, former head of public relations for CIGNA, discussed big health insurance/ managed care organizations' att...
How Large Health Care Organizations Set the "Rules of the Game" to Dominate Health Care
The notion that health care is increasingly "dominated by large, bureaucratic organizations which do not honor ... [its] core values...
BLOGSCAN: The Place Where the Compass Spins
The 1 Boring Old Man blog is on a roll. Read this summary post , see its amazing introduction below, then peruse the main page and the arc...
"Government-Run Health Insurance" Run by Corporations? - Two Medicaid Examples
In the US, there seems to have been a constant argument between right- and left-wingers over "government-run" health insurance. T...