My mother, affected catastrophically by an EHR-related medical error last year, passed away yesterday evening. In her memory, a photo of her...
A US Government Prosecutor Now Defends Health Care Corporations: No Different Than Being Traded from the Red Sox to the Yankees?
We have discussed a few examples of the revolving door , involving government officials who dealt with health care issues leaving to eventua...
Should a "Phenomenal" $1 Million CEO be Accountable for "Errors that Caused Severe Injury or Death?"
A recent story with some local color once again illustrates the cognitive dissonance evoked by current patterns of compensation of health ca...
The Stealth Marketing of Medical Devices: The Biotronik Example
We have frequently discussed the use of organized, deceptive stealth marketing campaigns to influence physicians to prescribe pharmaceutica...
BLOGSCAN - Another Health Care Foundation Loses Its Way
From Gary Schwitzer's HealthNewsReview blog, an aggregation of stories that shows how the famous Susan G Komen For the Cure foundation h...
Fresenius Fined $82 Million for False Claims
We open the week with yet another story of a large health care organization found by the judicial process to have misbehaved. Here is the st...
Medical Societies Paid To Do Corporate Public Relations
Background Last year we posted about how two medical societies which received funding from a drug manufacturer tried to persuade the US Foo...