As I described in several recent posts on malpractice cases at University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) including: " UPMC and the...
Do Health Care Leaders Realize They Do Not Practice What They Preach?
When we began Health Care Renewal in late 2004, we focused on "concentration and abuse of power" as a driver of dysfunction in the...
Propofol and Other Drug Questions: Was Michael Jackson a UPMC Patient at the Same Time as Samuel Sweet?
At my Sept. 24, 2011 post " UPMC and the Sweet death that wasn't very sweet: How EMRs can detract from a clear narrative, and fa...
Using Logical Fallacies to Scold "Pharmascolds"
I first became dimly aware of how dysfunctional health care had become in the US after seeing, up close and personal, a case of attempted su...
UPMC and the Sweet death that wasn't very sweet: How EMRs can detract from a clear narrative, and facilitate spoliation and obfuscation of evidence
The world of electronic medical records is very secretive. Vendors will not allow their programs or data structures to be examined, even ...
HHS rule would give government everybody’s health records?
I really don't like the sound of this in the Washington Examiner. It contains many warnings of the kind I've written about here at ...
My doctor will now need to code for when I get bitten by George or Martha Goose
The bureaucrats always seem to find new ways to waste precious medical resources and capital to justify their existence. Here's the late...