I've posted several guest posts by Dr. Scott Monteith, a psychiatrist/informaticist, at Healthcare Renewal. These include the Mar. 2011 ...
Cybernetik Über Alles: Computers Have More Rights Than Patients?
[Note: this essay contains many hyperlinks. They can be right-clicked and opened in a separate tab or window.] What medical devices are sh...
Doctor Placed on Administrative Leave ("Railroaded?") Because He "Fell Behind on Handling Electronic Records For His Patients"
This story is tragic and appalling: Lincoln doctor, Memorial Health clash over electronic records By DEAN OLSEN The State Journal-Register P...
Former US Secretary of Health and Human Services Saunters Through Revolving Door, Ends Up as Director of Medtronic
There they go again. Another US government health care leader, this time the top health care leader at the end of the previous George W Bus...
What the Pfizer (V)? - Few Consequences of a Long History of Bad Behavior
The recent in-depth investigation by Fortune reporters of 10 years of dysfunctional leadership at Pfizer , the "world's largest re...
NIST on the EHR Mission Hostile User Experience: Blame the User? Nyet...
I have often had to respond to those who claim that EHR's don't cause medical errors, users do. That subset of the health IT irrati...
Steve Jobs: Computer Geniuses and Medical Mysticism, a Very Bad Combination
Brilliant computer innovators may not be so brilliant in all domains. It is well known , and well documented for many decades, that pancre...