Below is an actual workstation, in an ICU of a major regional hospital, to permit interaction with an already mission-hostile EHR system: H...
What is Life is Really Like in Pharma? - These xtranormal Video Cartoons Come Close.
Sadly, the 'xtranormal' video cartoons at the following URL capture all too well what life is like in the pharmaceutical industry - ...
How the Anechoic Effect Is Institutionalized - A Hospital Policy Against Unsupervised Discussion with the Media
In a single sentence, a short, obscure article in the Worcester (MA) Business Journal on life at a community hospital after a for-profit cor...
Can You Sue the Government? FDA Whistleblowers Sue Over Surveillance of Personal e-Mail
From the Washington Post: FDA staffers sue agency over surveillance of personal e-mail Ellen Nakashima and Lisa Rein January 29, 2012 The Fo...
Elephants We Can Notice But Cannot Name
We have often discussed the anechoic effect , how cases involving or discussions of the topics we address on Health Care Renewal , the conce...
Wikipedia page on EHR's: ==Disadvantages== material seems to keep disappearing
It's interesting how most of the information below seems to have a hard time "staying put" on the Wikipedia page for "Ele...
Unequal Justice Under Law - Comparing Cases of Alleged Misbehavior by Large Health Care Organizations and Individuals
How the wealthy and powerful have become able to play by a different set of rules than those affecting ordinary people may be the defining i...