The New York Times published another article in its series on the high cost of US health care. This one, focused on the care of type 1 di...
Finally, An Article in a Large Circulation Medical Journal with Systematic Data about Leaders of Academic Medicine Conflicted by their Service on Health Care Corporate Boards
Background - a New Species of Conflict of Interest Since 2006 , we have posted repeatedly about what was then a new species of severe conf...
No Fooling - When a Retired Conservative Politician Warns About Oligarchy...
then things must be getting really bad. Of course, we have been warning about oligarchy , and related issues such as concentration of power ...
Three Facets of One Hospital: Coddling the Rich, Hounding the Poor, and Crooked Executives
Juxtaposing three news stories from the past few months raises disturbing questions about the priorities of the leaders of one of the US...
Unequal Justice Under Law - Comparing Cases of Alleged Misbehavior by Large Health Care Organizations and Individuals
How the wealthy and powerful have become able to play by a different set of rules than those affecting ordinary people may be the defining i...
Health Care Also Needs to Challenge "Crony Capitalism," the "New Gilded Age, and "the Idolatry of the Market"
The increasing size and scope of the "Occupy Wall Street" movement, and continuing instability in the finance system, most recentl...
How the Rich and Influential Get Health Care Different from You and Me: Data About How Very Influential Persons Get Expedited Care
An MSNBC story summarized some new data about how at least a particular subset of the rich can get different health care from you and me: E...