The next chapter in the bizarre tale of the fugitive founder of an off-shore (from the US and Canada) Caribbean medical school, and his now ...
A Nurse's Union, National Nurses United, Takes On Bad Health IT
National Nurses United ( ), a nurse's union, takes on bad health IT with both satire and seriousnes...
Cerner: "It’s in the DNA of our company to have the vision and passion to fix what’s broken in health care." Maybe they should fix their software first?
I point out this hyper-exuberant piece on health IT in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Clearly someone at Cerner thinks they're going to cu...
EHR Story for Mother's Day 2014: Even The Formerly Simple Act Of Giving IV Fluids in ICU's Can Kill Babies. But's Let's Be Objective and Happy!
[Note to the humorless: this post is satirical and sardonic to make a very serious point about the perversity of downplaying/ignoring heal...
Some Authoritative Skepticism about the "Triumph" of Sovaldi to Add to Outrage about "Blood Money"
Three weeks ago we posted about the continuing controversy over the stratospheric price of the new antiviral drug for hepatitis C (HCV), sof...
Abort, Retry, Fail? - Lancet Avoided Much Recent Unpleasantness in Reporting on New Gates Foundation CEO (Including Her Defense of $55,000 a Year for Bevacizumab)
The April 26, 2014 issue of the prestigious journal Lancet used two full pages and two separate articles by the same author to discuss the a...
The Pervasiveness of Health Care Corruption as Shown by Another Roundup of Legal Settlements
Legal settlements are one way to document unethical and even corrupt behavior by large health care organizations, even if they may not deter...