Lifespan Rhode Island Healthcare System's Siemens EHR was apparently causing thousands of electronically-generated prescriptions to beco...
Fourth Time is the (Anti)Charm? - UK NICE Highlights "Uncertainties in the Evidence Base" About Sovaldi
As we have discussed, ( here , here and here ), while anger continues to build about the $1000/ pill price sought by Gilead for its new ant...
Yet another EHR "glitch" - insulin decreased per protocol, oops, I meant heparin
Yet another EHR "glitch" ( ):
Citizen's Council for Health Freedom: "The Truth about Electronic Health Records"
The Citizen's Council for Health Freedom (CCHF) is an independent 501(c)3 non-profit organization with a mission "to protect health...
On the EHR-related term "cognitive overload"
I often use the term "cognitive overload" when writing about EHR and related information technology systems that present a needles...
At Merck's Urging, a Federal Judge Threatens to Sanction a Lone Professor for Trying to Reveal Evidence about Vioxx
We have written often, and most recently this week, about the limp posture taken by US law enforcement and regulatory agencies in the face...
Justice Delayed is Justice Denied? - Another Neurontin Settlement by Pfizer 20 Years After the Alleged Events
We have argued repeatedly against the strategy used by US government authorities to address allegations of bad behavior in health care (and ...