We have frequently raised concerns about the increasing domination of clinical research, particularly clinical trials, by those with vested ...
Fourth Time is the (Anti)Charm? - UK NICE Highlights "Uncertainties in the Evidence Base" About Sovaldi
As we have discussed, ( here , here and here ), while anger continues to build about the $1000/ pill price sought by Gilead for its new ant...
The Smarming of Health Care - How to Spin a Minimally Efficacious Variant on an Old Drug as New and Wonderful
A recent announcement of the approval of a new drug showed the latest ways pharmaceutical companies can spin products as new and effective w...
How Manipulated Clinical Evidence Could Distort Guidelines - the Case of Statins for Primary Prevention
The new American College of Cardiology (ACC)/ American Heart Association (AHA) guidelines on the primary prevention of cardiovascular diseas...
"The Scent ... of a Casino" - Clinical Research Results as Fodder for Insider Trading
"The scent and smoke and sweat of a casino are nauseating at three in the morning. Then the soul-erosion produced by high gambling - a ...
When Clinical Trials are Meant for Marketing, not Science
The development of the randomized controlled clinical trial (RCT) was one of the major scientific advances in clinical medicine. RCTs provi...
"MetroHealth, Explorys use huge patient database to revolutionize medical research"
As I have written in the past, beware claims of "revolutions" where healthcare or medical research are involved. As in a slide in...