Since 2006, we have posted repeatedly about what was then a new species of severe conflicts of interest. This occurred when leaders of aca...
The Camel's Aching Back - Johnson and Johnson and Novartis Fined 16 Million Euro for "Anticompetitive" Scheme to Delay Generic Fentanyl
Legal and regulatory actions unfavorable for giant pharmaceutical, biotechnology and device company Johnson and Johnson just keep coming. W...
More Cause for Hope - After Novartis Chairman's Rescinded Golden Parachute, Swiss Voters Give Control of Hired Executives' Salaries Back to Owners
Recently, we discussed the latest stupefyingly big golden parachute given to a departing pharmaceutical executive. Former Novartis CEO an...
Reason for Hope? - Novartis Rescinds Vasella's Golden Parachute
Enormous compensation of hired health care executives, out of all proportion, if related at all to whether their work had any positive effec...
Legal Settlements Have Become So Common that They are Barely News
Legal settlements by big health care organizations have become so common that those of less than blockbuster size barely seem to qualify as...
Novartis Settles..., But Wait, There's More
Back in January, 2010, we posted about Novartis' settlement of charges that it promoted its anti-seizure drug, Trileptal, (Oxcarbazepin...
Novartis Settles, Again
We certainly could not go another week without discussing another settlement of charges of unethical behavior by a major health care organiz...
Cardinal Health Settles, Novartis Settles
And the march of settlements continues.... As reported by the Tulsa (Oklahoma) World , A company that provides hospital pharmacy management ...
Green Ketchup for Novartis?
We recently commented on the challenges facing the large, Swiss based multinational pharmaceutical company Novartis. From Business Week c...
Drowning our Sorrows in Ketchup: Novartis Settles, Appoints Former Heinz Executive CEO
Here's the latest corporate health care marcher in the legal settlement parade, as reported in the Wall Street Journal . Swiss drug gian...