Nearly six million online votes helped us pick the winners of this year's Doodle 4 Google competition from a very creative pool of doodl...
Energized about our first Google PowerMeter partners
Earlier this year I blogged about energy information and a tool our engineers developed called Google PowerMeter , a Google gadget that ca...
Healthcare IT Timing "Cemented in Law?" A Healthcare Renewal Contest
I am quoted in the article " Liability an issue with health care software " in today's online edition of ( link to...
Novo Nordisk Accepts Deferred Prosecution Agreement, Settles, Pays Fine
Back in early 2007, we noted that several large drug companies were under investigation for possible involvement in the Iraq oil-for-food s...
A galactic mentor
This month marks the 30th anniversary of the final quarter being dropped into the world’s first commercial video game, for it was in May of ...
Dangerous Games and Health IT Feudalism
I am reposting a provocative open letter from Ignacio Valdes, MD, MSc (a proponent of Open Software and proprietor of the LinuxMedNews blog ...
Wall Street Journal Letter Revisited
I believe yesterday's Washington Post article The Machinery Behind Health-Care Reform confirms that my Feb. 18, 2009 letter to the edit...