Earlier this year we announced Google Latitude , a service that lets you and your friends share your locations with each other. You control...
It's a bird...it's a plane...it's iGoogle comics themes!
We have always been excited to introduce design flair and whimsy to our user experience, especially on our homepage. Be it through our speci...
Pseudo-Evidence Based Medicine Threatens Health Care Reform Based on "What Works"
As I posted yesterday, the increasingly noisy debate about health care reform in the US has not dealt much with the issues we often discuss...
State, City Settle Case Alleging Medicaid Fraud
We have posted on a variety of settlements of cases alleging health care fraud, but this one has a new twist, as reported by the NY Times, N...
Digital activism on YouTube
(This is the second of a series of posts from YouTube's news and politics blog, Citizentube . -Ed.) Activism today isn't limited to ...
What Health Care Reformers Don't Discuss
Health care reform is now the big health care story in the US. Discussion of various health care reform proposals regularly lead in print an...
JAMA letter: "Health Care Information Technology, Hospital Responsibilities, and Joint Commission Standards"
My letter " Health Care Information Technology, Hospital Responsibilities, and Joint Commission Standards " was published in JAMA ...