This story feels personal, since as a physician who trained starting in the 1970s, figuring out how to manage patients who desperately wante...
Vested Interests and Their Influence on Physicians- New Understanding from Cognitive and Social Psychology
Evidence-based medicine proposes patient care decisions based on the best evidence from critically reviewed clinical research, knowledge of...
Doctors' Dubious Excuses for Taking Pharmaceutical Companies' Money
Pro Publica has updated their database of payments by pharmaceutical payments to physicians and organizations. It now has data from 15 comp...
Oh, the Prices we Pay ... for Questionable Drug Marketing to Enrich Corporate Insiders - the Case of Questcor's H P Acthar Revisited
In 2007, we first discussed the case of the amazing pricing of H P Acthar, a very old drug of questionable usefulness, as an example of the...
The "King of Pain" Recants - Pharmaceutical Paid Key Opinion Leader Admits It Was All "Misinformation"
This may be a first. A Wall Street Journal story announced that the "key opinion leader" who played a pivotal role in the promot...
BLOGSCAN: Key Opinion Leader Admits to being a Marketer
Without any notable shame, and as a guest blogger on KevinMd. The post was about other physicians can become big-time KOLs by using social...
Giant GSK Settlement Provides Reminder of the Pervasiveness of Stealth Marketing
The latest and biggest legal settlement involving health care to hit the news, that of GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) and the US government, has man...