Here is a fascinating, spot-on exchange regarding biomedical information science between Bill Moyers on PBS and the new President of Dartmo...
More On Healthcare Management By Domain Neutral Generalists: CIO's Running Hospital Pharmacies and Home Healthcare Divisions?
Both Roy Poses and I have written on a plague of healthcare mismanagement and perhaps malfeasance in part due to leadership by domain amateu...
Make History with the National September 11th Memorial & Museum
The anniversary of September 11th evokes difficult memories here in New York and all over the world. The events of the day left an indelible...
Now S-U-P-E-R-sized!
Search , that is. For us, search has always been our focus. And, starting today, you'll notice on our homepage and on our search results...
The Lexapro Marketing Plan Was Meant to Promote Marketing (Surprise?)
Last week, Gardiner Harris writing for the NY Times noted that the US Senate Special Committee on Aging had made public part of Forest Labo...
A Solution To Pharma's Repeated Drug Offenses: Incarceration
Some straightforward common sense follows. No spin, no indirection, no excuses: Pfizer has recently paid a $2.3 billion dollar settlement o...
Five million students going back to school are "going Google"
(Cross-posted on the Google Students Blog ) It's always tough to bid farewell to summer and hit the books again, but for a few million s...