We have frequently raised concerns about the increasing domination of clinical research, particularly clinical trials, by those with vested ...
Fool Me Twice? - Boehringer Ingelheim, Medtronic Settle Lawsuits Alleging Deceptive Marketing
It seems like it has been really quiet on the legal settlement front in the US, but maybe corporate executives wanted to wait until things c...
Is this Any Way to Discuss Health Care Policy? - Television Advertising about US Health Care Reform Cost $445 Million from 2010 -2014
Every now and then, we get an anonymous comment criticizing our "lack of balance" or words to that effect, maybe because we critic...
The Smarming of Health Care - How to Spin a Minimally Efficacious Variant on an Old Drug as New and Wonderful
A recent announcement of the approval of a new drug showed the latest ways pharmaceutical companies can spin products as new and effective w...
"Emotion, not Information" - the Lucrative Deceptive Marketing of Hospice, and its Potentially Fatal Consequences
One of the real recent advances in health care, in my humble opinion, was the organization of compassionate, palliative care for people at t...
A New, and Huge ($2.2 Billion) Settlement for Johnson and Johnson, but "No Individuals were Charged with Wrongdoing"
The march of legal settlements made by big health care organizations has resumed with a bang. As reported in most major media outlets, gian...
Use of Psychological Manipulation of Physicians to Sell Pharmaceuticals: The Drug Representative as "Den Mother"
We have discussed, most recently here , how marketers of health care goods and services use deception and psychological manipulation to sel...
Words that Work: Singing Only Positive - And Often Unsubstantiated - EHR Praise As "Advised" At The University Of Arizona Health Network
When clinicians are told to promote a technology in no uncertain terms, that puts a chilling effect on critical thinking and discourse. In ...