[Note: this post is written semi-satirically, but the issues it addresses are dead serious.] It seems Socky the HIT Sockpuppet, a.k.a. anon...
To Whom Does a Leading "Off-Shore" Medical School Owe its Allegiance?
We have noted how existing US medical schools seem unwilling to invest or reward teaching (see post here .) It is no secret in academic me...
Spectranetics Settles
I could not let this story, which came out just before the new year, completely slip by. As reported by the Colorado Springs Gazette : Spec...
IT Religion and Windows 7 "God Mode"
I've written in the past that IT has become something of a religion, with computers as an altar or shrine, programmers and technicians a...
More on Perversity in the Healthcare IT World: Is Meditech Employing Sockpuppets?
(Note to readers: also see my Jan. 7, 2010 followup post " Socky the Meditech Sockpuppet on Vacation? ") At " Are Dissmissi...
One Small Step Towards Reducing Conflicts of Interest Affecting Academic Medical Leaders
Two articles, one in the New York Times by Duff Wilson, the other in the Boston Globe by Liz Kowalczyk, brought the issue of the conflict...
Several Vignettes from a Healthcare IT Consultant/Informaticist
Reproduced with permission. These vignettes and the candid 2008 physician survey results recently posted here make one wonder whether heal...