Over at " Hooked: Ethics, Medicine, and Pharma ", University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston ( UTMB) Institute for the Medica...
Some Dare Call It "Corruption" - the Massachusetts Blue Cross Blue Shield Golden Parachute Scandal Continues
We have discussed many cases of health care organizations' leaders reaping rewards disproportionate to any concept of their performance...
AMA, Deluded on Health IT, Begs For Doctor Penalty Extension - Not Penalty Termination
The American Medical Association (AMA) has become worse than useless: AMA urges issuance of EMR penalties be delayed Congressional Quarterly...
Why The Overambitious, Cavalier Approaches of the Healthcare IT Industry Are Harmful To Health: Guest Post by Dr. Jon Patrick, U. Sydney
Apparently Holland is now veering away from a national project for health information exchange. From a researcher at Erasmus University Rot...
The Massachusetts Blue Cross Blue Shield CEO's Golden Parachute - "'Have's' Greasing One Another's Pockets"
We have frequently discussed the kind of compensation now frequently given to leaders of health care organizations. Although often even th...
Finally, Some Upcoming Events to Announce: PharmedOut Conference, Transparency International Summer Course
In our side-bar to the right we have a section for "Upcoming Meetings and Events." Sadly, it is often empty. Perhaps as a result...
Is Microsoft slowly edging towards an "exit stage left" in health IT?
Interesting item seen here : From Dabney : “Re: former Sentillion exec departures from Microsoft. Microsoft transferred their 800 Healt...