At " Academic Medicine Deploys a Logical Fallacy to Avoid Disclosing Inconvenient Truths " Roy Poses wrote about the illogic emplo...
Academic Medicine Deploys a Logical Fallacy to Avoid Disclosing Inconvenient Truths
We recently discussed a simultaneous retreat from aggressive regulation and enforcement applied to big health care corporations by US gover...
Bioethics panel blasts late U. Pittsburgh professor's 1940s tests in Guatemala
I have only two comments about this horrendous story (read the entire story at the link): Bioethics panel blasts late Pitt professor's...
Guest Blog: Mediator, symptom of a broken French system
Elena Pasca blogs at PharmaCritique, and is a member of the Fondation Sciences Citoyennes . She discusses the pharmaceutical industry in Fr...
Once Again, on IBM Watson, Cybernetic Miracles and Reductionist Views of Medicine
The cybernetic miracle shamans are at it again: IBM's Watson set to tackle health insurance, takes 'Diagnosis for $1,000' via En...
Director of Bristol-Myers-Squibb to Run Weill Cornell Medical School
How the New York Times reported on a change in leadership at one New York medical school has made one issue of interest to Health Care Renew...
Talking Points, Sans Original Thought, to Justify Million Dollar Hospital CEO Compensation
Generous pay given to health care leaders has become an area of interest in the media. Some recent regional stories had a certain dreary sa...