In May, David Willman writing for the Los Angeles Times broke a story of a somewhat new variant on the conflict of interest theme, one that...
"Conspiracy Theory" Proven - Taking UCSF Private
Students and faculty at the University of California have come up with a vivid, and prescient example of how the hired executives and bureau...
Director of Bristol-Myers-Squibb to Run Weill Cornell Medical School
How the New York Times reported on a change in leadership at one New York medical school has made one issue of interest to Health Care Renew...
Say It Ain't So - Howard Dean Runs Through Revolving Door to Become Biotechnology Booster
The revolving door now accommodates the whole political spectrum. A Salon article documented the transit of one Howard Dean, former darlin...
RUCing About - Conflicts of Interest Affecting the Members of the RBRVS Update Committee
Since 2007, we have been writing about the secretive RUC (RBRVS Update Committee), the private AMA committee that somehow has managed to ge...
Those Big Doors Keep Revolving
A few months ago, we discussed the revolving door that seems to connect US government leadership positions and leadership positions of comm...
Why Would Directors of Health Care Corporations Push for Bigger Pensions for Academic Administrators?
We recently posted about 36 well-paid top executives in the University of California system, including leaders of medical schools, academic...
The Boards Who Ought to be Accountable for the Misbehavior of Health Care Corporations
I recently posted about the multiple conflicts of interest affecting a university health sciences leader. While he was supposed to be runn...
A Great Investment Opportunity? - Biotechnology Company Run by an Ex-Convict
A sad commentary on the current morality of the health care "business," as provided by the New York Times. Sam Waksal is back in t...
Sanofi-Funded Society of Hospital Medicine Stands Up for Lovenox
Here is another case to raise questions about the true goal of some medical societies. As reported by Alicia Mundy in the Wall Street Jour...